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I have found an issue with your Mac logs. It’s definitely about conflicting software KEXT loaded the same time as NM’s KEXTs are loaded.
To be sure it’s a VirtualHere, I just installed it on our test Mac and were able to reproduce the same behavior and logs at our lab.
Just run this command at your Mac’s terminal
kextstat | grep usb | grep -v “apple”
And if you see here anything but NoMcahine’s KEXTs – that might be a problem.
Even after manual stopping of VirtualHere and machine restart I still had VirtualHere’s driver loaded into the system:
0xffffff7f853f0000 0x4000 0x4000 com.virtualhere.vhusbd (2.3.1) 520E80E7-44CE-3AFF-949D-291C7E817174 <59 6 5 3 1>
So even having it installed, but not running may be a reason for issues (constant and not).
The worst thing is that if you remove VirtualHere from Applications its driver will still remain in the system even after a restart of the machine.
So to completely remove it you need to run the following commands in the terminal with admin rights:
sudo kextunload -b com.virtualhere.vhusbd
sudo /Applications/ -b uninstall
sudo /Applications/ -u
sudo rm -rf /Applications/
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/vhhcd.kext
After restart com.virtualhere.vhusbd were not loaded anymore, and NoMachine forwarding worked again.