Forum / NoMachine for Mac / USB passthrough works sporadically / Reply To: USB passthrough works sporadically

Regarding Windows.
The UsbDk in upperfilters also might cause some problems on Windows side, just try to remove the program that added it, or remove only that key from upperfilters and check does it appears back after machine restart.
Regarding Mac.
The “one side forwarding” issue was caused by VirtualHere on my Mac machine. I fixed it by the following way.
1. I have installed back VirtualHere.
2. Via command line I uninstalled it by the proper way:
2.1 Run this command (I runned it 2 times, first it installed drivers and second time in uninsalled them)
sudo /Applications/ -b
2.2. After. run this command and restart machine:
sudo /Applications/ -u
2.3 After restart run these commands:
sudo kextunload -b com.virtualhere.vhusbd
sudo chmod -R 777 /Library/Extensions/vhusbd.kext
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/vhusbd.kext
After restart the machine, and NoMachine’s USB forwarding should work proper way.