Unable to use mouse in client in Windows

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Unable to use mouse in client in Windows

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Tor.
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  • #22287

    When I launch the NoMachine client, I’m unable to select a server or click ‘connect’ in the client. This is just from launching the client, not when connecting to a server.

    I downloaded a new installer 30 minutes ago, purged my last install, deleted my settings, and reinstalled. It forced Windows to reboot, after reboot all my settings are default again. Same issue. Clicking in the NoMachine client window is like clicking on a picture of the window, it’s not interactive. Keyboard doesn’t seem to navigate either. I can click on the ‘new’, ‘open’ and ‘settings’ buttons though. With settings open I can click on some things, but some (like appearance settings) do not respond to clicks. Other applications seem fine, it only seems to be NoMachine, and no other program, that’s having problems, even after reinstall.


    Hi. Do you have a tablet peripheral connected to your client, or are there drivers installed related to such kind of peripherals (e.g. Wacom drivers)?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.