Session video frozen when connecting through VPN

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Session video frozen when connecting through VPN

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  • #28146

    When I use NoMachine locally everything works as expected, when I connect through my openvpn the session connects but the video seems frozen.


    Please provide the following:

    – NoMachine product and version on local and remote machine (free version, Workstation, etc).

    – Whether the problem arises connecting to a physical or a virtual display.

    – Remote and local Windows/Mac/Linux version (Windows XP/7/8, OS X 10.x, Ubuntu xyz, Mint x.y, etc.).

    – If on Linux, desktop version (GNOME. KDE, whatever) on client and on server.

    and additionally what’s the source of the video (i.e which application)?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.