I’ve installed NoMachine 7.2.3 in Windows 10 and I like to activate keys authentication only.
I followed https://knowledgebase.nomachine.com/AR02L00785
but I get an authentication error.
The keys pair was generated in a Linux VM (ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 with a passphrase, when asked for)
Is Public key to be appended to the file c:\program files (x86)\nomachine\etc\keys\host\nx_host_rsa_key.crt ?
files should be something like this?
ssh-rsa <publik key string>
When I try connection, it asks for a username and keyphrase. Keyphrase is the one I input generating the key, but username?
I also tried generating keys with puTTYgen and creating a authorized.crt file, but same results.