Connecting to Windows very slow without remote monitor on

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    Hi everyone:  I had a Windows 10 machine host that could be connected to with iPad, iPhone, and both Mac and PC laptops. Replaced it with a Windows 11 machine and made sure I updated all NoMachine software to the latest versions.

    With the Win 11 machine (as the host), performance is almost ZERO unless the remote monitor is on (regardless of what I use to connect to it). Performance here means that the display takes a while to initially load. Then it won’t track any mouse movement or update display (e.g., if you move from one email message to the next). I played with settings for seemingly ever, but nothing helped.

    I then found some other forum posts on this….most notably this one –

    and this one  –

    I had someone remotely turn on the monitor and instantly everything went “back to normal” in terms of my speed and access.  I had them turn off the remote monitor and I instantly went back to almost zero performance.

    My understanding from reading the posts is that this was fixed, but I’m still having issues.  Thoughts?  Do I just have to keep the remote monitor on all the time?  Thanks!


    The recent version didn’t change anything which could affect how NoMachine connects to remote Windows (headless and non).

    Try these settings, by adding them one at a time to the node.cfg on the Windows computer you are connecting to.

    First add DisplayServerExtraOptions "-displayrequired" and start a session. If that doesn’t improve, add
    DisplayServerExtraOptions "-nodxgrab -nodxgigrab"

    regardless of what I use to connect to it

    So it’s something affecting every remote access tool you choose 🙂 not just NoMachine?
    If that GPU doesn’t work normally when monitor is powered off, it’s possible that there is nothing we can do.


    Thanks, Britgirl.

    When I said: “regardless of what I use to connect to it”, you said: “So it’s something affecting every remote access tool you choose 🙂 not just NoMachine?” Sorry for the confusion. What I meant was that when I connect to the remote windows machine, the speed problem doesn’t change regardless of whether I attempt to connect via a PC laptop, a Mac laptop, an iOS tablet, or another PC desktop.  I was trying to say that the device I was using to connect to the remote machine didn’t change performance. The only thing that changed performance was when I had someone turn on the remote monitor.

    For your fixes, maybe I’m doing something wrong. I apologize in advance for my ignorance  If I simply add your first suggestion without a “#”, like this to the configuration file…

    # Configuration file format version.
    ConfigFileVersion 4.0
    DisplayServerExtraOptions “-displayrequired”

    Then I cannot connect to my device.  It connects but continually drops, reconnects, drops, reconnects, etc.  So I’m obviously doing something wrong.  If I put a “#” in front of it, it makes no difference.  I can literally sit here in front of the remote machine on a local network with perfect connectivity.  But the second I turn off the remote monitor, I lose all visualization.


    I just realised there is a ‘1’ missing in the key I wrote. I apologize for that.

    The key should look like this: DisplayServerExtraOptions “-displayrequired 1”




    Hi Britgirl:  Listed below is what I did (at least the top of the settings)….per your advice.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t change anything.  I’m testing this by standing next to the remote host with a connection device.  When I connect and the remote monitor is on, I have perfect fluidity.  When I turn the monitor off, I get almost zero responsiveness. As a matter of fact, I would say that I actually get less responsiveness with the new addition of “displayserverextraoptions” than before.

    Thoughts?  Thank you!


    #                                                                    #
    #  Copyright (c) 2001, 2022 NoMachine,     #
    #                                                                    #
    #  All rights reserved.                                              #
    #                                                                    #

    # Some configuration keys are used to set specific limits, such as the
    # maximum size for the session log. To remove a limitation, set the
    # corresponding key to value ‘0’ or ‘Unlimited’.

    # Configuration file format version.
    ConfigFileVersion 4.0
    DisplayServerExtraOptions “-displayrequired 1”

    # Specify hostname for the NoMachine node.
    #NodeName localhost.localdomain


    You could try attaching a dongle if you don’t want the monitor on, so essentially making it a headless Windows machine.

    How to solve black screen problem on Windows headless machines

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