Graphical issues with NoMachine/Gnome, square cursor, no resize?

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Graphical issues with NoMachine/Gnome, square cursor, no resize?

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  • #47220

    Hello the NoMachine community ,

    I’m experiencing some various graphical issues and I’m wondering if you may point me to the right direction to solve these.

    – the most annoying one is that although I selected “Resize remote display” (see below), my client window is enforced to keep the same size. I had in mind that NoMachine was able to adapt the remote resolution as the client window is resized.

    – The second one, I do not know if this related is this white square you see close to the mouse pointer;

    Honnestly , I was wondering if this could be due to some OpenGL rendering missing on my remote. I do not know if this is the right track but I installed  freeglut which did not solve the issue.

    I also installed mesa-utils to check if OpenGL rendering was ok ;

    [fix:~] $ glxinfo | grep direct
    direct rendering: Yes

    If the logs can be of any help, I add the three files “connection”, “options”, “session” to this message.

    It was using Gnome; On the login page, I have the possibility to switch to “Ubuntu”(default), “Ubuntu (on Xorg)” and “Xfce session” . I wanted to try with a different desktop. Although xfce is working with [removed], if I select it on the login page, the desktop does not show up and I’m back to the login page.

    Thank you for your help,



    Hi, can you submit all attachments and images to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? Also confirm distro and version on the server side and what OS you are connecting from. Desktop env will be useful as well.

    I had in mind that NoMachine was able to adapt the remote resolution as the client window is resized.

    It does 🙂 provided the following conditions are met:

    When the connection is to the physical desktop (any OS) , the supported resolutions are those of the remote graphics card as listed in the System settings on the server. The session resolution on the client side cannot be higher than the maximum resolution supported by the remote graphics card (server side).

    The supported resolution for virtual NoMachine desktop sessions (Terminal Server for Linux products) doesn’t depend on the remote hardware and thus the remote screen can be resized to whichever resolution is supported by the user’s local monitor.

    I pasted this text from the article here:

    Some tips about resize and scaling options for NoMachine remote desktop software



    I sent you the attachements by email . And the problem is solved;

    First, about your questions :

    Server Side is : Ubuntu 22.04

    Client side : Ubuntu 22.04

    Then, in the meantime, I found this  article which deals with the headless case; I’m in a headless case;

    On some of my nodes, I have  “service display-manager” running, on others “service gdm” was running. I stopped and disabled them all, restarted nxserver as said in the article , and *tadam!* , the next client connection requested for NoMachine to create its own display service and all the graphical issues disappeared !

    The remote display is correctly resized. The white square close to the mouse pointer disappeared as well.

    The issue is solved.


    All’s good then 🙂

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.