Colors are broken – red and blue shifted

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Colors are broken – red and blue shifted

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  • #48765

    Basically the colors behave very strangely, close to unusable. The screenshots are attached. The details are following:
    I have a VM on azure with Ubuntu 20
    I have done apt install ubuntu-desktop and apt install gdm3 to get the screen working on VM.
    I have a friend with MacOS and a laptop with Ubuntu 20 and Windows 10 dual booted so we have tested with those OSs
    – Windows 10 and MacOS are displaying OK
    – Only Ubuntu 20 has this issue
    – DesktopĀ  version is GNOME on both remote and local
    – NoMachine free version



    Hi, connecting from macOS and Windows to the Ubuntu server are ok, but connecting from Ubuntu is not. Please send us the client side logs on after having reproduced the problem to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    To gather logs, please follow the instructions here

    After which try disabling hardware decoding on Ubuntu following the instructions here: You should set the key to <option key=”Enable hardware accelerated decoding” value=”disabled” /> in the player.cfg file.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.