HW/SW config for 4K resolution to rackmount server (Windows Server 2022)?

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    I’m trying to figure out if it might be possible to get NoMachine connecting to my Dell rackmount server running Windows Server 2022 with a better resolution than 1600×1200 – which is the maximum supported by the onboard/integrated iDRAC9 Matrox G200 video chip. Ideally, I’d connect at 4K (3840×2160) which is what my desktop system runs at.

    I’m currently using the free NoMachine install on both my local workstation (a 64-core Arm system running openSUSE) and the server, but would be perfectly willing to pay for a different version (as long as it’s not thousands of dollars!) if it would let me connect using a higher resolution or have better graphics. I’ve also wondered about installing a PCIe graphics card in the server and disabling the onboard KVM VGA video: does anyone know if that might work, even if there’s no physical monitor attached to the card?


    A good PCIe graphics card (I’d use Nvidia) will make a world of difference, not least bc you will be able to take advantage of hardware H264 encoding which improves reponse and image quality substantially and should make 4K run smoothly



    Thanks! I installed an AMD Radeon PRO (since I don’t have the power cable to use a card which required auxiliary power) and it’s working nicely.

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