To test key based authentication for web connections with NX protocol,
I’ve followed this article:
*** Env ***
Server : Debian 12
NoMachine Enterprise Desktop Evaluation – Version 8.14.2
Client: Windows and Debian 11, many browsers (Chromium, Firefox, Opera)
Alas, when I try to connect from a browser, after selecting the local private key and entering the passphrase, a few seconds later, I’ve got this message:
La négociation de session a échoué.
Erreur: Signature erronée.”
that means in english something like
Session negotiation failed.
Error: Wrong signature.”
I’m sure the passphrase is OK, I don’t have the same message if I type a wrong passphrase.
It’s very strange, I have no problem, from the same clients, to connect to the server using !M client with NX protocole and the same private key !?!
So the public keys are OK on server side.
What can I do to solve this odd problem ?