Inputs stop working after rest after NoMachine update

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Inputs stop working after rest after NoMachine update

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  • #50215

    Hello. I regularly connect to NoMachine from my Win11 desktop to my M1 Mac Mini and it’s been great until recently. After the most recent update to NoMachine on my Mac mini, however, I frequently have an issue where when I go back to NoMachine client on Windows, the connection is frozen. Mouse and input no longer work. I have to reconnect, which gets real annoying throughout the day. Sometimes the first reconnect results in a black screen. I reconnect again and it works. Any idea what is going on here? I did not have this issue until the most recent NoX update.

    On the Mac it’s NoX 8.14.2.


    I assume you’ve got 8.14 on the Windows computer as well.

    When you say “after rest” in the title, do you mean you start the session to the Mac and leave the session open/running, and then go back to it after some time?


    Yes. I usually alt-tab out of the client on my Windows box and use some other apps for a while. Or step away from the PC for a bit. I go back to resume my session, and my mouse and keyboard no longer work on the remote Mac. I can see the screen, but not do anything. I can move the mouse around, but it won’t click on anything. Same with keyboard, does nothing. I have to close the client and reconnect to get back to work.

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