NoMachine window not responding or glitching on Mac Sonoma

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / NoMachine window not responding or glitching on Mac Sonoma

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  • #52045

    Every time I log in and connect to a NoMachine window, I have to close out the program and restart at least 5 times or need to wait several minutes/hours before I can access a window that responds to my mouse. I changed my privacy settings on my mac and NoMachine has full disk access etc. NoMachine is also up to date. I do not know what the problem can be considering sometimes I am able to log in and use the program and there does not seem to be any difference in the settings/configuration between when I can and cannot use NoMachine.


    There are some things which are not clear:

    What is the OS you are connecting from (client side)?
    What is the OS you are connecting to (server side)?
    If the server is on macOS, confirm that NoMachine has accessibility permissions.
    What is the NoMachine version you are using, client and server?

    When you write “before I can access a window that responds to my mouse” do you mean you can’t interact with the server desktop through the NoMachine window?

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