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NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: valentine

NX> 105 Setsession –type=”unix-gnome”

NX> 596 ERROR: No nodes available for user’s profile.

Info: Connection to port 4000 started at 15:17:07 668.632.

20650 20650 15:17:07 668.688 Connection: Started connection at 0x3091910.

20650 20650 15:17:07 691.595 ClientSession: Started session at 0x2490180.

20650 21055 15:17:08 169.605 ClientSession: A valid certificate for this server was found.

20650 20650 15:17:08 239.222 ClientSession: Going to query for available services.

20650 20650 15:17:10 031.064 ClientSession: Following connection policy by creating a new session.

20650 20650 15:17:10 031.133 ClientSession: Selecting the destination node.

Info: Connection to port 4000 closed at 15:17:12 158.492.

20650 20650 15:17:12 158.579 Connection: Connection at 0x3091910 failed.

20650 20650 15:17:12 158.636 ClientSession: Runnable at 0x3091910 caused the session at 0x2490180 to fail.

20650 20650 15:17:12 158.651 ClientSession: Failing reason is ‘The session negotiation failed.


Error: No nodes available for user’s profile’.

20650 20650 15:17:12 166.457 ClientSession: Stopping session at 0x2490180.

20650 20650 15:17:12 177.566 Connection: Stopping connection at 0x3091910.

20650 20650 15:17:12 177.680 ClientDaemonConnector: Stopping the current connection.

20650 20650 15:17:12 179.396 Connection: Stopped connection at 0x3091910.

20650 20650 15:17:12 206.263 ClientSession: Stopped session at 0x2490180.