By continuing with the sign up process you agree to the rules below and any others that the Administrator specifies.
The Forums are a place for users of NoMachine software where technical issues and topics can be discussed by everyone who is a member. Topics about earlier versions which are no longer supported are not accepted. Topics about NX derivatives are not accepted. All posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author of each post. Those liable for the content of posts and private messages are the ones submitting the material, and not the administrators, moderators, webmaster, NoMachine or anyone else.
These Terms also serve as the basis for your access, visits and participation in the Forums, which are comprised of a collection of technical support platforms related to NoMachine software products. NoMachine reserves the right to decide not to publish a topic at its sole discretion. NoMachine reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the Forums and/or these Terms at its sole discretion and without notice. The Forums are provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis. NoMachine staff strive to provide a response to all published topics in a timely manner but given the high level of activity on the forums, this is not always possible, and a response does not necessarily constitute a definitive solution. NoMachine will not be liable to you or any third-party for any claims or actions arising or resulting from your use, visit, or participation in the Forums and for any modification, suspension, or termination of the Forums, or termination of your access to the Forums.
This is a moderated forum. You may mention good points or bad points of NoMachine products, and compare NoMachine with other products if it is useful to understand the point in question, but our policy is to refuse comments that may implicitly or explicitly detract the value of NoMachine software based on assumptions not proven by factual data. Similarly, topics and language deemed inappropriate will be moderated and/or removed.
We act to deal with content that violates the forum code of conduct when we become aware of it. The staff of this forum attempt to edit or remove any objectionable or illegal material as quickly as possible. However, with the volume of activity we have on our site it is impossible to review every message.
Users agree not to post anything abusive, rude, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, advertising or marketing related, or sexually-oriented. Material that suggests illegal activity or contains illegal content is also forbidden. Such threads will be closed and offending users will be penalised with infractions and warnings, or removed.
Users posting any content that violates this code of conduct may receive a warning or an infraction that creates a record of the behaviour and will be associated with the account (this record is only visible by the original poster and staff), may have their account removed, may have their posts edited or removed, may have their account or IP address banned temporarily or permanently, and could have a report filed against them to their internet access provider. The IP addresses of all users are recorded to provide evidence or assist in enforcing these rules. You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that “cookies” are stored on your computer to save your login information.
Finally, you agree that forum staff have the right to remove, edit, move or close any post, topic or thread at any time they see fit following the guidelines outlined below and above, or the posting tips which you can find here. You agree that the staff of this forum have the right to send a private message with a warning and/or censor any forum user who is in violation of forum policy.
General policy
Respect other Forum users & Forum Staff: We want this to be a place where the NoMachine community can develop and we can enjoy one another’s company. To achieve this, we strive to maintain an atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all and we ask all members of the community to be respectful at all times. This means please use etiquette and politeness. Treat people with respect. If you do this, the rest of the code of conduct won’t need more than a cursory mention. Criticism must be respectful, constructive and positive. Opinions must be clearly stated as opinions and worded in a way so readers are unlikely to understand the post as presenting facts. Facts must be accurate and relevant to the topic or thread.
Adult Content, Violence, Illegal Activity: Messages containing violent, sexually oriented, or illegal content or links to sites with this content will removed. Messages with links to or suggesting illegal activity will be removed. Posting or linking to any of these could result in a ban.
Trolling, Attacks and Flaming: These are always forbidden.
- Trolling is posting in a way that provokes emotional responses.
- Attacks and derogatory terms of any kind are not welcome.
- Flames are messages that personally attack or call any people names or otherwise harass.
These, along with any generally condescending posts will be edited or removed at the moderators discretion. - If a thread is flame-bait (appears to be intended to start an argument or is likely to cause an argument rather than enhance discussion, as in trolling), it will be locked or removed without notice. Individual flame-bait comments in a post may be deleted or edited at the moderators’ discretion.
- If the thread turns into an argument, it can be closed to further comment or removed without notice. Sometimes a moderator may split the thread or jail certain portions in order to keep the discussion going, this is not always possible.
Spam: Spam will be removed and the account posting it will likely be banned. Links to personal websites in your profile will be removed. You may post them in threads on occasion (just not often, please) as long as the content of the site linked does not include material that violates this code of conduct and if you are not posting any other form of advertising. A website we consider a either a business site or out-of-context , regardless of provenance and type, will be treated as spam and removed.
Free advertizing and competitor products: This forum is not a place for free advertizing. Messages and profiles using links to advertize companies of any nature will be removed. Messages that contain links to informative sites which help to understand the topic in question are allowed. Links and posts concerning direct competitors will be removed. Product names not related to NoMachine software (including any NX derivative products) will be removed. You may mention good points or bad points of NoMachine products, but our policy is to refuse comments that may implicitly or explicitly detract the value of NoMachine software based on assumptions not proven by factual data.
Profanity: We have users of all age groups and of all tolerance levels where profanity is concerned. A language filter is in place to catch most major forms of profanity that may accidentally be used. Do not attempt to circumvent the language filter by using variations or slight misspellings of profanities.
Politics: This topic has caused serious problems in the past, and as such is subject to tight control.
Religion: This is a forbidden topic forum wide. Please find another venue to exercise your freedom of speech on this topic.
Thread Drifting/Steering: Please keep discussions on topics. If you think your topic doesn’t belong in those we make available, contact us and we will evaluate whether to create a new one.
Report Posts: If you have found a post or receive a private message that you feel is inappropriate or that violates the forum code of conduct, please use the report function to notify staff. Do not attempt to moderate discussions or correct other users yourself.
Images: Be prudent in your use of images; they may help to explain something more clearly or indicate a problem you are experiencing better but you have to remember that not everyone has the same bandwidth. If an image is the best way of handling the information, please use thumbnails or keep your image to a small size.
Links: You may post links to sites with content that is acceptable according to this code of conduct. This is most useful when giving tech support and explaining a topic and then linking to a wiki page or Linux site with more information. You may also link to your personal site.
Signatures and profile content: Signature & profile content must conform to the same guidelines as all content in this code of conduct. Don’t use personal photos for your profile. These will be removed.
Multiple Accounts: Users may only have one active account. If you feel you have justification for requiring a new account, please contact an administrator to discuss your situation. Users who have multiple accounts without approval of an administrator may be penalized or banned.
Any information you provide on these forums will not be disclosed to any third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.
Deleting your account: please contact us to delete your account and remove your registered email address from our DB of forum users. Deleting your account removes your nickname from the topic and any replies that you submitted. The content of topics or replies that you submitted will not be removed.