Forum / General Discussions / What is the correct way to clear old logs / Reply To: What is the correct way to clear old logs
December 21, 2020 at 09:31

Last reply didn’t show correct paths, here’s how it should be:
There are also session log files usually it shouldn’t take large space, but if you want to clean them
you can do it by:
rm -rf 'NX installation directory'/var/log/node/T-*
rm -rf 'NX installation directory'/var/log/node/F-*
rm -rf 'User home directory'/.nx/F-*
rm -rf 'User home directory'/.nx/T-*
and in case you are using latest release:
rm -rf 'User home directory'/.nx/node/F-*
rm -rf 'User home directory'/.nx/node/T-*