Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Authentication failed error / Reply To: Authentication failed error

Thanks for your help,
Now the authentication issue got fixed, however am facing other issues while conecting from client. After the client authendication am getting black screen and came out with connection timeout.
Server Logs;
2014-10-16 08:27:50 227.448 19730 NXSERVER ERROR! Cannot send signal 9 to process 19541. Error is 1, Operation not permitted.
2014-10-16 08:27:50 227.561 19730 NXSERVER ERROR! Cannot send signal 9 to nxnode with pid 19541.
Error Logs:
19498 19498 08:17:11 553.941 Process: ERROR! Cannot signal the pid 19367.
19498 19498 08:17:11 554.020 Process: ERROR! Error is 1 ‘Operation not permitted’.
19498 19498 08:17:11 554.075 System/System: ERROR! Failed to kill the process 19367.
19498 19498 08:17:11 554.092 System/System: ERROR! Error is 1 ‘Operation not permitted’.
Error: Failed to kill the process 19367.
Error: Error is 1 ‘Operation not permitted’.
Please help on this to fix for Linux
Thanks Siva