Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Cannot connect to the requested display / Reply To: Cannot connect to the requested display
March 21, 2014 at 09:07

Getting the exact same thing here from two situations:
Fedora 20 x64 -> Win 7 x64
Win 8 x64 -> the same Win 7 x64
And in the Win 7 server logs, I can find those lines each time I’m trying to connect :
2014-03-20 23:05:54 747.712 NXSERVER-4.1.29[2648] User ‘camino\pperron’ logged in from ‘’.
2014-03-20 23:05:56 809.063 NXSERVER-4.1.29[2648] ERROR: Cannot connect to node.
2014-03-20 23:05:56 810.560 NXSERVER-4.1.29[2648] ERROR: No available displays found.