Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Can't connect. Error is 110: Connection timed out / Reply To: Can't connect. Error is 110: Connection timed out

Logs indicate that the NoMachine display server (integrated in theĀ nxnode.bin process) is hanging, that’s why your connection fails.
It would be helpful to find the reason of the problem if you can grab withthe GDB tool a backtrace of the hanging process.
To do that, please execute the following instructions in a terminal on the server host:
1. Install GDB if is it’s not already installed.
2. Run GDB as root or as sudo user:
# gdb -p <pid of nxnode.bin without ‘-H’ in the command line>
3. In the GDB command line type:
set logging file /tmp/displayServerBacktrace.log
set logging on
thr apply all bt
4. Send us the /tmp/displayServerBacktrace.log file.