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I’m using Enterprise Server and Terminal Server Node configuration, in a load-balanced configuration. Both server and node are running RHEL 6.4 using the latest eval installation (4.1.29-6.x86_64), using windows 7 as my client ( enterprise client 4.1.29-1). If you’re just doing simple copy and paste operations from a konsole from KDE to a windows notepad application, the copy and paste is flaky.

You can try the testcase below:

1. Open a konsole terminal in KDE.

2. Type “dmesg” command to output system messages to get some text.

3. Highlight a couple of lines from the output on the konsole terminal.

4. Launch “Notepad” on Windows 7.

5. Paste copied text to Notepad.

6. Nothing happens.

7. Try to highlight text again in Konsole window.

8. Try to paste again to Notepad. (Text is pasted on)

9. Try repeating these steps at a rapid pace, and you see copy and paste is not very stable.