Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Error is 54: connection reset by peer / Reply To: Error is 54: connection reset by peer

I created another user account in Windows 8.1, and it works!
I was not able to get the homedir.txt file. When I run the “nxdisplay –homedirget –user Bo > c:\tmp\homedir.txt” command, it gave me some warning and error,
“3888 5136 00:48:35 479.100 System/System: WARNING! Can’t open version file ‘C:\Program Files\NoMachine\etc\version’.
3888 5136 00:48:35 483.100 System/System: Error is 2, ‘No such file or directory’.
3888 5136 00:48:35 485.100 System/System: WARNING! Assuming version ‘4.0.0’.
ERROR: Syntax error.”
I found 3 folders that match part of the registry name, except their full names are :S-1-5-21-4284841049-3137553149-1734205093-1001,S-1-5-21-4284841049-3137553149-1734205093-1004 and S-1-5-21-4284841049-3137553149-1734205093-1005.
the files are attached