Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Exit right way after connect / Reply To: Exit right way after connect

We noticed that your logs report errors like:
Cannot retrieve status for service ‘nxservice’
This kind of errors occur when connecting as unprivileged user to a Windows host having UAC enabled. The correspondent trouble report is here: . The bug will be solved in the next release.
This problem anyway doesn’t explain why the connection to the Windows host is suddenly terminated. To investigate the problem we would need some more logs.
Please send the ‘ProgramData/NoMachine/var/log’ directory from the Windows server host to: forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
Additionally, we need also the output of the ‘net user’ command. In order to get it please run a cmd console as administrator:
– Click the Start button Picture of the Start button.
– In the Search box type cmd.
– In the list of results, right mouse button click and choose to run the cmd application as administrator.
– In the cmd shell run command:
> net user gaoxing
Then send the output of the command to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com and possibly specify the username of the user who installed the server on the Windows host.