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(Britgirl: Thanks for the suggestion re disabling auto-scrolling – I will try it as soon as I get things working again.)
Since my last post I have replaced the client-side computer that suddenly died, installed my VPN (I’m using Dell NetExtender), and installed freshly-downloaded NoMachine v4.4.1_1 free (the server version is still 4.3.30 free). When I try to connect to my server using the default setup, I get a normal-looking username/password entry form, then the window goes black for several seconds, after which I see:
The connection with the server was lost.
Error is 110: Connection timed out.
I clicked on “Save logs” and in my home/Documents I find an empty NoMachine directory.
Looking directly in /usr/NX/var on the client machine I find
tail /usr/NX/var/log/nxerror.log
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I was able to ssh into the server machine and found
tail /usr/NX/var/log/nxd.log
Info: Connection from port 56285 accepted on Sat Dec 27 21:46:54 2014.
Info: Connection from port 56285 process 12651 started on Sat Dec 27 21:46:54 2014.
Warning: Handler process 14079 terminated by signal 1, SIGHUP.
Info: Connection from port 51481 process 14079 closed on Sat Dec 27 21:47:14 2014.
tail /usr/NX/var/log/nxerror.log
Info: Handler started with pid 14079 on Tue Dec 16 21:47:18 2014.
Info: Handling connection from port 51481 on Tue Dec 16 21:47:18 2014.
Info: Connection from port 51481 closed on Tue Dec 16 21:47:36 2014.
Info: Handler with pid 14079 terminated on Tue Dec 16 21:47:36 2014.
Info: Handler started with pid 12651 on Sat Dec 27 21:46:54 2014.
Info: Handling connection from port 56285 on Sat Dec 27 21:46:54 2014.
Info: Connection from port 56285 closed on Sat Dec 27 21:47:15 2014.
Info: Handler with pid 12651 terminated on Sat Dec 27 21:47:15 2014.
tail /usr/NX/var/log/nxserver.log
2014-12-27 21:47:08 976.710 12651 NXSERVER User ‘friedman’ logged in from ‘’.
2014-12-27 21:47:14 774.255 14079 NXSERVER WARNING! Process (14117) finished with signal ‘9’.
2014-12-27 21:47:14 774.379 14079 NXSERVER WARNING! NXNodeExec: session node [14117] finished abnormally with exit code [9].
Starting cleaning procedure.
2014-12-27 21:47:14 781.121 12651 NXSERVER ERROR! Server process with pid finished without correct cleaning for session id
At first glance it looks to me as if something is causing the NoMachine ssh connection to drop before the session window is filled. I would be interested to know if the logs show anything useful. If any further information would be helpful, please let me know and I will provide it. As before, thanks in advance for your help.
Again, the server is running Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit, the client is now Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 32-bit.
– dhfx