Reply To: Keyboard maps to US when client and server are UK

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Hello zSeries.

can you send the client and server log files? You can gather logs in this way:

Create a compressed archive of the NoMachine /var/log directory

The NoMachine /var/log directory on Linux is: /usr/NX/var/log. Create a compressed archive (tar.gz) archive from command line.

Run a terminal and move to /usr/NX/var :

$ cd /usr/NX/var/
$ sudo tar cvfz NoMachine-log.tar.gz log
Create a compressed archive of the .nx directory in the user’s home

Run from a terminal:

$ tar -cvp –exclude ‘cache*’ –exclude ‘images’ –exclude ‘recording’ -f – $HOME/.nx | gzip -c >nxdir.tar.gz


How to gather client side logs

Run from a terminal:

$ tar -cvp –exclude ‘cache*’ –exclude ‘images’ –exclude ‘recording’ -f – $HOME/.nx | gzip -c >nxdir.tar.gz

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by graywolf.