Forum / NoMachine for Linux / NoMachine doesn’t start / Reply To: NoMachine doesn’t start
May 12, 2014 at 15:35

I’m too using Linux Mint 16 Cinnamon 64-bit. I just have installed nomachine_4.2.22_1_i386.deb, and It doesn’t start.
Do I have to purchase for a licence for having license.lic and node.lic ?
I looked /opt/NX/var/log/nxinstall.log and could see it was OK except concerning the license. I had
Could not determine authorized_key filename.
NX> 700 Running: ‘/etc/NX/nxserver’ –startup.
NX> 700 Cannot start NX server
and also earlier in the log : NX> 700 Failed to run ‘/opt/NX/bin/nxkeygen’.
earlier ; /etc/NX/nxserver’ –validatenode.
NX> 700 Cannot validate node license file
Thanks If you could provide some help !
Francis Queyroi