Reply To: Server does not publish external IP

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Server does not publish external IP / Reply To: Server does not publish external IP


I downloaded the binary file, thank you.  Looking in  C:\”Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\bin” there is no nxupnp.exe file.  To make sure, I uninstalled NoMachine, downloaded the latest version and installed.  Again, inspecting  C:\”Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\bin” there was no nxupnp.exe file.  Never the less, I copied the file you provided and copied it to C:\”Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\bin” as nxupnp.exe (Windows did not complain saying there was another file of the same name).  Running nxupnp.exe -l gave no output.  Running nxupnp.exe -v reported Port forwarding protocol: ‘auto’

Using the known external IP address to :  nxupnp.exe -A list 4000 -R TCP 600 

Failed to add ports

Local IP:

Gateway IP:

External IP: