Forum Replies Created
ContributorHi Francis,
Unfortunately, we never can guarantee, that public STUN/TURN servers will work, it could be overloaded and/or can have some other issues, it’s out of our scope and we provide it just as an example in our AR.
In the same article, there’s an instruction on how to configure servers using a Coturn project ( We successfully tested the same case in our lab using STUN/TURN servers configured by Coturn.
September 28, 2020 at 09:09 in reply to: NoMachine weblogin via ssh agent as authentication agent #29665Shoti
ContributorHello wernermaes,
The web player does not support SSH authentication agent feature.
Also, at the moment, key-based authentication for web connections works only for NX protocol, we’re working to add SSH protocol support too, see FR :
ContributorHi termmachine,
For version 7 (coming soon) we made some improvements, the web player should behave better when there is poor network connectivity.
January 21, 2020 at 14:18 in reply to: Small Business Server performance in browser connection #25329Shoti
ContributorHi Rick,
To narrow things down, can you please connect to the physical display with the browser and share results with us? And also, how much connection is established when you expecting the freezes and slowness? maybe there’s several from one browser? or it’s just one?
ContributorHi mattdall,
First of all, let me note one thing: for security reasons, sensitive data is never transmitted from the server-side to the client-side. This means that even if the password is set in the connection file stored on the Web Player host, it will never be used for automatic log-in. To use a pre-configured password is therefore necessary to provide the connection file to the user and save it on his/her computer. It’s the default behavior of NXS for a web session.
“Where do you enable this option which configuration file”
That simply means that nxplayer will not save credentials in an NXS file without clicking the “Save this password in the connection file” link in the authentication panel.
So we can say that this configuration file is NXS file itself. But this is not relevant here, as we are talking about web sessions.
For web sessions, as written above, sensitive data is never transmitted from the server-side to the client-side. It cannot be modified for security reasons, while properly configured NXS file stored on a client-side will trigger automatic log-in procedure for web sessions – it’s a default behavior as well.
Note: Please, also check the “EnableClientCredentialsStoring” from the server configuration file, it seems this key will be useful for you.
July 16, 2019 at 14:25 in reply to: Does browser-based connection require a purchased SSL certificate? #22953Shoti
ContributorHi Stich,
Please, see the article : “How to solve ‘The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority'”
ContributorHi, it guy92075,
It’s not a bug, just web player doesn’t support the “Virtual desktop” NXS key at all. So as I see your proposition is to open “Custom session” types in a “detached window” like player’s ‘floating window’. It’s a new possible FR and we need to evaluate this. Thanks for sharing ideas.
ContributorHi itguy92075,
Thanks for testing the new version and sharing results here, we appreciate this. So, from what I see, in 6.7.6 all looks OK to you and you get the same results as was in 6.5.6?
We were not able to reproduce point 2 and 3 in our labs, we would need the logs from the client-side. Please find the instructions here how to gather web session logs: You can send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
Contributoritguy92075, Within the release of 6.6.8, we fixed an issue related to this : “Cannot connect via web from an external network when WebRTC is enabled” ( You are seeing a difference because of the fix.
The thing here is that in earlier versions of webplayer (e.g 6.5.6) the STUN/TURN servers were ignored by the browser even if they were correctly presented in the configuration file. In the config file you had the “Host” (which is wrong) but in reality the browser was ignoring it anyway. Then, in the new version you used the same config (“Host”) and encountered what you thought was a bug.
It happened because it’s not ignored anymore and the config was wrong. It looks like in your particular situation you don’t need any additional STUN/TURN to establish WebRTC connection, removing/commenting any kind of STUN/TURN section in server.cfg file should fix your issues with 6.6.8. Please, try this and share your results.
Contributoritguy92075, we are pleased that the issue has been solved.
ContributorHi termmachine,
First of all, let me explain one thing, the panel where you can choose a keyboard layout is visible only in the case of old browsers, without ‘KeyboardEvent.code’ support. The ‘KeyboardEvent.code’ property represents a physical key on the keyboard (as opposed to the character generated by pressing the key). So when a browser doesn’t support this API for a fully-functional keyboard, we’re asking customers to select the same layout already set on their operating system. When it’s possible, we always strongly suggesting customers use a modern browser for the best experience in the web player.
Point 1 : This problem is known to us and we’re working to fix it, please see more here :
You have the option to be notified when this issue is fixed, you just have to click on “Notify me when the TR is closed.” and insert your email address.
Point 2: The web player isn’t deciding the keyboard layout, we just saving user’s choice in browsers cookie and for second connection web player uses the saved value, so for a very first connection (when the cookie is clean) by default chosen layout is the ‘US’ always. Maybe you mean something else?
Point 3: How are you switching tabs? Using a ‘Ctrl + Tab’ combination? This can be out of scope and not possible to fix, as it’s implemented at the browser level, but we’ll check what can we do here, as a workaround you can go to fullscreen using the F11 key and problem should be eliminated after that.
Point 4: We disable the “detach window” when the browser runs in a fullscreen mode, can you please check that this is not the problem? We weren’t able to reproduce any issue with ‘EnableWebPreconfiguration’ key
Contributoritguy92075, we found some problems in the Firefox version you have in use (66.0) we are working on it, in meantime can you try Chrome browser and check if the behavior is the same?
Regarding CFG files you sent to us, the only uncommented server was: “Host”, this will not work for connections behind the NAT, please use the real STUN/TURN’s (the ones you commented in CFG file should be OK), also note, that you can use several servers, web player will try all servers until it finds the working one.
Can you check that there are no special chars in a STUN/TURN section? If there aren’t, we would need the logs from the client. Please find the instructions here how to gather web session logs: You can send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ContributorHi itguy92075,
First of all, can you confirm/re-check that you properly configured STUN/TURN servers in server configuration (server.cfg) file? These two articles may be useful :
How to configure NoMachine servers to use WebRTC –
How to setup your own STUN/TURN server for NAT traversal: