NX Cache Statistics ------------------- Request Cached Size at Server Size at Client Cache limit ------- ------ -------------- -------------- ----------- #12 6 768 (0 KB) 516 (0 KB) 3000/819 KB #16 18 2232 (2 KB) 1520 (1 KB) 2000/327 KB #18 8 1120 (1 KB) 1124 (1 KB) 2000/327 KB #20 1 144 (0 KB) 104 (0 KB) 2000/327 KB #25 1 140 (0 KB) 120 (0 KB) 2000/327 KB #53 12 1632 (1 KB) 1056 (1 KB) 1000/327 KB #55 313 41316 (40 KB) 26304 (25 KB) 2000/327 KB #56 1 128 (0 KB) 84 (0 KB) 3000/491 KB #59 1 132 (0 KB) 88 (0 KB) 3000/491 KB #61 1 136 (0 KB) 88 (0 KB) 3000/819 KB #70 2 256 (0 KB) 168 (0 KB) 4000/819 KB #72 10 1400 (1 KB) 34760 (33 KB) 6000/1638 KB #128 E 1 140 (0 KB) 80 (0 KB) 3000/1638 KB #129 E 12 2448 (2 KB) 1852 (1 KB) 8000/3276 KB #241 A 1 140 (0 KB) 100 (0 KB) 20/163 KB #253 A 1 132 (0 KB) 100 (0 KB) 4000/1638 KB #255 AG 5 700 (0 KB) 464 (0 KB) 400/819 KB Reply Cached Size at Server Size at Client Cache limit ------- ------ -------------- -------------- ----------- #1 U 7 19612 (19 KB) 1204 (1 KB) 400/819 KB #20 1 104 (0 KB) 136 (0 KB) 400/819 KB cache: 16777216 bytes (16384 KB) available at server. 16777216 bytes (16384 KB) available at client. 72680 bytes (70 KB) allocated at server. 69868 bytes (68 KB) allocated at client. NX Client Side Protocol Statistics ---------------------------------- Reply Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Reply Ratio ------- ----- ------ ------- -------- ---------- ----- N/A Event Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Event Ratio ------- ----- ------ ------- -------- ---------- ----- #2 57 14592 (1 KB) 1963 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 34/1 7.434:1 #3 57 14592 (1 KB) 976 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 17/1 14.951:1 #4 138 35328 (4 KB) 2724 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 19/1 12.969:1 #5 138 35328 (4 KB) 3719 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 26/1 9.499:1 #6 9125 2336000 (285 KB) 192777 (23 KB) 256/1 -> 21/1 12.118:1 #7 138 35328 (4 KB) 2957 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 21/1 11.947:1 #8 138 35328 (4 KB) 2775 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 20/1 12.731:1 #10 1 256 (0 KB) 14 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 14/1 18.286:1 #11 138 35328 (4 KB) 1944 (0 KB) 256/1 -> 14/1 18.173:1 total: 9930 2542080 (310 KB) 209849 (25 KB) 256/1 -> 21/1 12.114:1 time: 352933 ms idle, 571 ms running. 18366 messages, 588 KB processed per second. link: 1944 frames in, 12091 frames out, 10762 writes out. 16279 bytes (15 KB) used for framing and multiplexing. 50700 RT messages in, 10940 RT messages out, 0 lost, 39 corrected. 25 drops, 57323764 bytes (55980 KB) in, 141092 bytes (137 KB) out. 568 display messages, 10264 bytes (10 KB) in, 11400 bytes (11 KB) out. Protocol compression ratio is 9.149:1. 106 B/s average, 98 B/s 5s, 1126 B/s 30s, 6437 B/s maximum. NX Server Side Protocol Statistics ---------------------------------- Render Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Request Ratio ------- ----- ------ ------- -------- ------------ ----- #4 225 225 36000 (4 KB) 900 (0 KB) 160/1 -> 4/1 40.000:1 #7 225 225 14400 (1 KB) 1021 (0 KB) 64/1 -> 4/1 14.104:1 #27 225 222 28800 (3 KB) 1613 (0 KB) 128/1 -> 7/1 17.855:1 total: 675 672 79200 (9 KB) 3534 (0 KB) 117/1 -> 5/1 22.411:1 Request Total Cached Bits In Bits Out Bits/Request Ratio ------- ----- ------ ------- -------- ------------ ----- #2 225 28800 (3 KB) 3385 (0 KB) 128/1 -> 15/1 8.508:1 #53 225 225 28800 (3 KB) 680 (0 KB) 128/1 -> 3/1 42.353:1 #54 225 14400 (1 KB) 675 (0 KB) 64/1 -> 3/1 21.333:1 #55 225 28800 (3 KB) 4258 (0 KB) 128/1 -> 18/1 6.764:1 #60 225 14400 (1 KB) 450 (0 KB) 64/1 -> 2/1 32.000:1 #72 225 222 7391136 (902 KB) 100798 (12 KB) 32849/1 -> 447/1 73.326:1 #95 165 10560 (1 KB) 1525 (0 KB) 64/1 -> 9/1 6.925:1 #137 E 675 672 79200 (9 KB) 3534 (0 KB) 117/1 -> 5/1 22.411:1 total: 2190 1119 7596096 (927 KB) 115305 (14 KB) 3468/1 -> 52/1 65.878:1 time: 352883 ms idle, 624 ms running. 11166 messages, 88227 KB processed per second. link: 12092 frames in, 1944 frames out, 1839 writes out. 6997 bytes (6 KB) used for framing and multiplexing. 0 RT messages in, 38927 RT messages out, 0 lost, 0 corrected. 0 drops, 0 bytes (0 KB) in, 52763768 bytes (51527 KB) out. 4786 display messages, 55485686 bytes (54185 KB) in, 55485917 bytes (54185 KB) out. 156999 B/s average, 6431 B/s 5s, 36796 B/s 30s, 900032 B/s maximum. 0 total sync requests (0 unmatched). NX Protocol Summary ------------------- link: Level 9 with protocol compression enabled. overall: 56435198 bytes (55112 KB) in, 55500330 bytes (54199 KB) out.