Reply To: No keyboard or mouse access

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I have now loaded Nomachine on my 2 Win 7 PCs, 2 Win 8 PCs, 1 Ubuntu 12.04 and 1 Ubuntu10.04.  The following are the results.  In all cases access is on my local network.

From Darcymain Win7 to Homeserver8 Win8 – it works as expected

From Darcymain Win7 to AtticPC Win7 – The remote desktop is visible but no mouse or keyboard control

From Darcymain Win7 to HPbeagle Win8.1 – The remote desktop is visible but no mouse or keyboard control

From Darcymain Win7 to Ubuntu 10.04 or 12.04 – No visible desktop just a black screen, the local mouse pointer disappears as soon as it enters the black screen.

All the Windows boxes were loaded from the same file, nomachine_4.0.369_5.exe

The Ubuntu boxes were both loaded from nomachine_4.0.369_1_i386.deb (separate downloads).

The attached logs are from Darcymain.  I have attempted to configure each machine the same although they may be different now after testing permutations.  The NXClient 3.5 worked great between the Win7 and Ubuntu 12.04 PCs so I thought I would expand its use and upgrade to the latest version.  It seems version 4 is not quite ready for prime time.  I’m Ok with that for a free version.  I hope your enterprise customers are faring better or there may never be a 4.1 version…

Within reason I am willing to use my environment for testing things if that will help.


