Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Viewing a Mac from Win7 – Viewport about 1/4 size / Reply To: Viewing a Mac from Win7 – Viewport about 1/4 size

We are not away of any bugs. Are you able to provide some more information?
– Do you have a multi-monitor setup on the Mac server?
– What is the version of your Mac server?
– Is the “Keep original aspect” button selected in the Display settings panel?
What behaviour do you observe when switching it?
– What part of the remote screen are you able to see? The one with the upper left corner?
– Are you able to navigate the viewport by moving the cursor near the border of the player
window? Can you see in this way parts of the remote screen that were previously hidden?
– Is the problem fixed if you change the resolution of your Mac screen by means of the
“System Preferences -> Displays” pane and restore it back to the previous value? (see screenshot)