It looks, that some update process is working in background. We weren’t able to reproduce it on the same OS.
Can you zip .nx folder (it’s in the home directory) and execute a stack /usr/NX/bin/nxclient –update process (you can use gdb, for example:
pid=$(ps aux | grep [n]xclient | grep update | awk '{print $2}'); sudo gdb -p $pid -ex "set logging on" -ex "set pagination off" -ex "thread app all bt" -ex "set logging off" -ex quit
it will create gdb.txt file with stack) from that OpenSUSE? Please do also screenshot that “update window” with greyed out “Check Now” button. All three files please send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
As a workaround you can download NoMachine Workstation from your customer area (if you have a subscription) and update manually inside console: sudo rpm -U <package_name>