Alternating case text

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Alternating case text

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  • #45569

    I suspect I’ve hit a key combination that is causing NoMachine to send through text in alternating case?

    If I plug the keyboard directly into the client – it works correctly as it does when I plug it into the host.

    When I type into the client the keys are translated at the host.

    I either get: aaaaa<caps lock>AaAaAa or AAAAA<caps lock>aAaAaAaA

    I saw another post mentioning this and am now testing 8.9.1 – same issue

    Host is Debian-Buster, Client is Windows 10.

    Any help would be appreciated


    We are not able to reproduce this behaviour connecting from Windows to Debian Buster, 8.9 both sides.

    What desktop environment are you connecting to exactly?

    What do you mean with “If I plug the keyboard directly into the client – it works correctly as it does when I plug it into the host. When I type into the client the keys are translated at the host.” Is this a laptop? So you are plugging in an external keyboard and it works, but when using the device’s own keyboard, you get alternating case text?

    Does this happen in all applications?


    So I have a Windows laptop and a Linux mini PC sitting next to each other. I have a wireless keyboard plugged into the Windows laptop and I connect to the Linux box through NoMachine.

    When the problem arises.There is no issue with the Windows PC. If I plug the keyboard into the Linux box and view via NoMachine, there is no issue there. If I plug the keyboard back into the Windows machine and type, the problem appears again.

    Rebooting everything doesn’t fix the problem.

    I can also hit a key combination and get either lower case or mixed case on caps lock or upper case and mixed case on caps lock.

    It seems NoMachine is interpreting the keycodes?



    Please provide us full details of the set-up including language settings on both sides, and Linux desktop environment. Is it a physical desktop session or are a virtual desktop session? Is the display server Wayland or

    Have I understood right in that if you connect the other way round, so from the Linux machine (with wireless keyboard plugged in to the Linux machines) TO the Windows host, the problem does not occur?

    Logs would also be useful. Please follow the instructions here and send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com at your earlies convenience. Thanks.


    Graphical representation of situation below.

    laptop is Windows 10, build 19043.2006.

    PC is Linux Debian – 5.10.179-3

    Not sure where logs are on Linux, nothing interesting in Windows logs


    Please provide us full details of the set-up including language settings on both sides, and Linux desktop environment. Is it a physical desktop session or are a virtual desktop session? Is the display server Wayland or

    This is important to know. Are you connecting to Gnome, KDE, something else? Is the Debian machine running Xorg or Wayland.  To know that open a terminal on the host and echo the XDG_SESSION_TYPE variable.


    It will output ‘wayland’ or ‘x11’.

    Please attach the screenshot, images cannot be pasted.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.