Android client – connect is slow

Forum / General Discussions / Android client – connect is slow

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  • #15109

    Hi there,

    I’m using an Android device (with NoMachine apk installed on it) to connect to a NoMachine server on a ubuntu machine. Everything works great but the connect time takes almost 10 seconds. This happens on the first connection or on the reconnections if the wifi is lost.

    I’m using SSH protocol to connect to the server.

    Is there any way to make the connect process to be faster? If I use the NX protocol, it’s better for that, or will it be the same?

    Any tips, will be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.


    Ten seconds delay can be provoked by SSH server reverse DNS lookup procedure.

    It can be disabled by setting ‚UseDNS’ key to ‚no’ in sshd_config on your server.


    Hi there,

    Thanks a lot for the answer. I’ve tested it and with that option, I’m connecting in 4 / 5 seconds. This is the normal timing or it should be quicker?

    Again, thanks for the help.


    Connection time depends on multiple factors, quality of WiFi, server and client hardware etc.

    4/5 seconds is fine on weaker WiFI networks.


    Hi there,

    My interest in this is related to the fact that our application is a Point of Sale software and the handy devices are Android devices running NoMachine. I was interested in faster connection times because image a clerk on a table serving people, the device losses wifi for some reason and when it get back, it takes 5 seconds to reconnect. Between the timeout of the connection, the new wifi connection and the connect time, this is a lot of time, for this particular usage.

    RDP, for example, when you’ve network connects almost instantly…

    Any other suggestions, would be more than appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.



    Reconnection should take around 2 seconds but multiple factors can affect it.

    Please send to us a logs from client and server and we will try to find a bottleneck.

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