Android refused connection from Windows

Forum / NoMachine for Mobile / Android refused connection from Windows

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  • #51209

    NoMachine installed on Windows 10 and a standard Android Tablet on same network.

    Android sees desktop and connects OK.

    Windows does not see Android (first attempt to connect)

    Added manually with IP

    When connecting form Windows I get this message “The remote host ‘’ refused to establish a network connection on port ‘4000’. Please verify that NoMachine is correctly installed and listening on the port where you are trying to connect, and that incoming traffic is not being blocked by a firewall or NAT.”

    On tablet Settings /Privacy / Nearby devices I do not see Nomachine – only Google related items

    On tablet Settings / Apps / No machine / App Info / I see “permissions = No permissions granted, but do not see how to give permissions.

    On tablet Settings / Apps / No machine / App Info  I see Unused app activity if unused it was on (ie pause), I turned off.

    Still not connection.

    Suggestions please





    It’s important to note that the NoMachine app for Android is a client-only application. This means that while you can use the Android device to connect to other NoMachine-enabled devices (such as your Windows desktop), it cannot act as a server for incoming connections. This is why your Windows machine cannot see or connect to your Android tablet.

    For further guidance on setting up and using NoMachine on Android, please take a look at our official guide:


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