We don’t have a configurator tool during installation. When you install NoMachine the default settings are applied which should satisfy the majority of set-ups security and functionality-wise 🙂
Are you configuring multiple NoMachine clients and are looking for a quicker way to configure them all? If so, then propagating the cfg file to all clients could be a solution. The simplest way to do that is to configure the NoMachine host via the GUI (the PC you want to access), then copy the server.cfg and node.cfg to all the other hosts (the other machines you want to access). On Windows these files are in C:\Program Files
(x86)\NoMachine\etc. The guide here shows you what you need to enable/disable via the GUI https://www.nomachine.com/DT11M00107.
I am not sure what else you want to configure a priori because others might be related to the player side i.e the connecting client. If you list them, we can provide further guidance.