Black screen connecting to Mac Mini from Linux

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Black screen connecting to Mac Mini from Linux

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  • #50037

    I’m using the free NoMachine production, version 8.14.2, on an older Intel-based Mac Mini running MacOS Sequoia (15.0). When I try to connect from my Linux-based laptop, the connection succeeds, but I never actually see the screen – it is a blank, black screen. The mouse works, and if I look at the real, physical display on the Mac mini, the mouse movements move the cursor, keyboard input works, etc., but the display never shows up.

    I’ve tried various combinations of different resolutions, disabling the client-side acceleration, and even another forum thread that suggested adding the following option to the node.cfg file:

    DisplayServerExtraOptions “-nostreamgrab”

    However, none of these items have worked – I simply cannot get the physical display to be mirrored correctly.

    Any suggestions?


    Hi, it could be related to permissions. Can you check in Accessibility, Screen Recording and Full Disk Access that NoMachine and nxnode (a component of NoMachine) have been correctly added in the Privacy panel? Remove and add again if necessary. This article shows the panels to check:


    Thanks for the suggestions, Britgirl – unfortunately this doesn’t seem to have helped at all – same behavior as before. To be clear, mouse and keyboard input (control), audio, and disk sharing all work perfectly fine. The only item not working is that the display is completely blank, I never see any of the display output.


    Can you send us the logs from the Mac? Follow the instructions here: Enable debug first, then reproduce the problem, zip and send. You can attach them here or send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Please use the title of this topic as the subject of your email. Thanks!


    I’ve enabled debugging, reproduced the issue, and zipped the logs; however, there are 600MB of log files, which is far more than the 1MB maximum specified in the attachment, and, I would guess, above the limit of the e-mail ingestion. Any guidance for how to upload these?

    I’m also concerned about posting these logs to a public forum – how can I be sure that the logs don’t contain sensitive information (credentials, etc.)?


    They are rather large. After sending them you can disable debug and remove them.

    Logs contain usernames and IP addresses and this information can be removed beforehand if you prefer to do that before sending. I can send you the details via email to upload to the NoMachine Support log service we have for subscribed customers (read more about our privacy policy here and how logs are handled).

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.