Cadence windows are black after reconnect

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Cadence windows are black after reconnect

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by pdb.
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  • #51785

    I am using NoMachine Enterprise Client on Windows 11, latest version (with an eval license, if that matters),  with MATE virtual desktop. Linux RedHat 7, and latest NoMachine Terminal Server.

    I have Cadence Virtuoso open. When I disconnect and reconnect, the Virtuoso windows (CIW, library manager, schematic views, etc.) are black or partially black (see attachment). I can only solve it by closing Virtuoso and restarting it.

    I do not see this problem when using Gnome virtual desktop. I also do not see it with other tools from other vendors. And I did not see it before when using Cadence in MATE using Windows Remote Desktop.

    Note sure where to address it, here or at Cadence, but let’s start here. Any ideas?



    To be honest, this looks to be a job for NoMachine Support and not something that can be handled in the forums. It would require quite a deep investigation as to why this is happening with Cadence Virtuoso only in one particular environment (MATE), but yet  in Gnome everything works correctly.  That said, we can suggest you disable X11 vector graphics to see if that helps.

    In the node.cfg set:

    AgentX11VectorGraphics 0
    The X11 vector graphics mode in X-Window virtual desktop


    Thanks a lot for the suggestion! It helped.
    We will still contact Support because we are afraid this setting might affect performance.

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