Cannot complete connection to Linux Mint

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  • #18444

    I have the free NoMachine 6.1.6 installed on Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan on a Mac Mini, and on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia, Cinnamon desktop on an eMachines laptop.

    On the Mac, NoMachine discovers the Linux machine, and I continue. It has been displaying the message “Connecting to [name of server] Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia” for half an hour so far. No error message, no timeout, but no display of the Linux screen. I can connect to the Linux machine using the Mac Screen Sharing utility. On previous attempts to connect to the Linux machine with NoMachine, when I restarted the NoMachine Server on the Linux machine, I got a message from NoMachine on the Mac telling me the connection was broken. That tells me that the Mac sees the NoMachine server on the Linux system, but the NoMachine server does not complete the connection to show the screen.

    On the Linux system, I can connect to the Mac with no problem.

    I have previously been able to connect to the Linux server, run applications, and hear audio output. I don’t know what changed.


    Hello marty39,

    we’ve not been able to reproduce your problem in our labs. We’ll keep trying to see if we can trigger it. Can you enable debug on the server side, restart nxserver and reproduce the issue?

    Please send server side logs and player logs from the client side (it’s folder started with “R-“, which is in .nx folder in the user’s home directory) to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com ? Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there:


    Hi marty39,

    we have received logs from you. Unfortunately we did not find where exactly the issue is, the relevant logs were probably cleaned up. We need you to reproduce the problem again and send us a new set of logs from the server and the client.

    Please note, that before collecting the logs you should make sure that they are not deleted after session ends. To do so, please:

    – on server side edit the /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg file, uncomment the following key and set it to ‘0’:

    SessionLogClean 0

    – on client’s side, open the Player and go to “Settings”-> “Player Preferences” -> “Privacy” and check the “Don’t delete log files on exit”.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Britgirl.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by shiba.

    SessionLogClean 0 was set, but I had restarted the NoMachine server on the Linux system, not the whole Linux system. I thought I had set “don’t delete log files on exit on the client side (Mac) but apparently I had not.

    I restarted the Linux system before trying again. Ignore messages in the client log saying the host is down; it was down because attempting to restart remotely failed. The relevant session begins at 12:50:23 after the Linux system was restarted.

    There was no client log folder beginning with R-, but there was a relevant log folder beginning T-R- so that’s what I’m sending, along with the latest server side logs.


    Still hoping for a solution. Compressed logs are attached.


    @marty39, apologies for replying just now. We’re still unable to identify the cause of the issue despite the logs you sent and our several attempts to reproduce. Check your inbox for emails from us.


    Hello, got your email. I backed up the original and I’m going to make the patch, but at this time the connection is proceeding normally. If the problem recurs I will have the logs ready to send as instructed above.


    It’s in trouble again, and I tried to collect the logs, but nxserver.log on the Linux server is 3.4 GB. When I run the tar command it pauses for maybe a minute at nxserver.log and then says the file shrank by about 3GB and it’s padding with zeros, and the compressed file is nearly 90MB. I tried with the server stopped and the file shrank by about 2GB, again padding with zeros, and the compressed file is “only” about 5MB. What should I do?


    Hi, very strange. Let’s start by seeing only the Player logs from the connecting client. Maybe that will shed some light.


    Hi marty39, please check your inbox for further instructions. A patch is available.

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