Cannot connect to a new Arch OS with new NoMachine install

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Cannot connect to a new Arch OS with new NoMachine install

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by yx.
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  • #46141

    hi, I just install a fresh new EndeavourOS, and use yay to install nomachine (8.10 version), I can see the nxserver is running, and the log shows normal, but I just cannot connect to this server, also in the GUI, I cannot see other machines running nxserver(I can see them in another machine in the same local network). Seems the server is not correct set? I attached the log, can anyone kindly help check why it doesn’t work?

    Also how can I check whether the 4000 port is working properly? I run sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN it shows this:


    nxserver. 12486      nx   18u  IPv4  20387      0t0  TCP localhost:22308 (LISTEN)

    nxserver. 12486      nx   23u  IPv4  18960      0t0  TCP localhost:22309 (LISTEN)

    nxexec    12605    root   23u  IPv4  18960      0t0  TCP localhost:22309 (LISTEN) 12610    sddm   15u  IPv4  25940      0t0  TCP localhost:12001 (LISTEN) 12610    sddm   17u  IPv6  23880      0t0  TCP localhost:7001 (LISTEN) 12610    sddm   18u  IPv4  23881      0t0  TCP localhost:7001 (LISTEN) 12610    sddm   23u  IPv4  18960      0t0  TCP localhost:22309 (LISTEN)


    so seems 4000 port is not working?


    Hi xy,
    please check if NoMachine works, in console enter command: 
 /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status

    You should see

    NX> 111 New connections to NoMachine server are enabled.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxnode.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.

    If any service is not working try command:

    sudo  /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart

    It will restart NoMachine

    Check if all services are working
    Then check for open ports.



    I think I fixed the problem by git clone then change the PKGBUILD file, set the autostart value as y, and then build it, it will be fine.

    <!– notionvc: ab1a98a5-cb93-47cb-8e98-279d82cefc65 –>If yay -S nomachine directly, even the nxserver is running, the nxd service is not enabled automatically, so 4000 port will not be listen.

    <!– notionvc: 6ef7ec0c-7b4d-49e0-b742-bd4c4ddba602 –>

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