My server is hosted on Windows 10, over NAT with ports open, but I’m unable to connect using Linux client. The only way I can connect to my server is using VPN on Linux client. That’s weird because all ports are open (tested with and other many websites), tried both direct IP and NoIP DUC free hostname. On websites to test open port works fine, but while attempt to connect simple just doesn’t work.
I tried to catch what exactly NoMachine does with Wireshark, and just send initial packet and keeps looping at TCP/FIN.
Yesterday I’ve created a TCP Dual Proxy to encrypt packets so NX Client -> Local Proxy -> Gateway -> Remote Proxy -> Remote NX Server.
Works fine in NX Mobile (even using proxy), but only on NoMachine on Linux doesn’t work.
I’m on Ubuntu 18, bionic, XFCE
Network: cable/100mbps
Server: Windows 10 x64
Network: cable/100mbps
Client and server are in same version. Client itself does not generate any logs. And seems that client just don’t proper connect to server.