I’m running Ubuntu 16.04.2 on an Odroid XU4. After installed NX 5.2.21 I was able to connect, but this was to the existing desktop session which after going headless was fixed at 1024×768 and couldn’t be changed. After some searching, I found this post: ubuntu-16-04-headless-resolution-stuck-1024×768.
After following the instructions there and disabling lightdm, I now get the warning that there is no display running and do I want to create one. Replying “yes” and continuing then throws the following error: The session negotiation failed. Cannot create a new display. Digging around in the logs, I found this error:
Apr 20 18:48:52 odroid gnome-session-binary[4602]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry....
Searching on this, I came across this post: cant-create-a-new-virtual-desktop-on-ubuntu-14-04 which appears to describe the same problem.
I followed the instructions from the Knowledge Base article, but I still get the “dead whale” message.
Attached are the server side logs.