Cannot share USB devices from Windows 10 to Mac Sonoma

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    A quick update: we are still investigating.


    Great stuff. Have you been able to reproduce the issue on your end? I’ve reproduced it on a MacInCloud account. So it seems to be an OS configuration that’s stopping it on the Mac side. I can give access to my physical Mac device if required.


    We were able to reproduce this issue. We are currently working on a solution.


    An update: we have to backtrack on what we last wrote. We thought we had reproduced the same issue, but it was a false allarm. It seems to be related strictly to Android Studio. We will keep investigating and update here if we find anything.  I imagine you’ve already tried:

    – adb kill-server

    -revoke usb debugging authorisation



    Hi Britgirl,

    Yes I’ve tried both, no success. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve attempted, but if memory serves it’s not specifically and Android Studio issue. I wasn’t able to explore the the Android devices at all when redirected through the NX connection, however I could use the iPhone devices as though they were attached directly to the Mac. I installed some other third-party software to detect the Android device, but it still couldn’t (I can’t remember what the software was as I removed it a long time ago).

    My thinking is that it’s an Apple issue, some kind of permissions issue that Apple branded products don’t have. I believe it worked in a very old version of NoMachine and MacOs, as I remember trying a MacInCloud solution with NoMachine 8-10 years ago and it worked if I’m remembering correctly, but my issue at the time was latency on my connection. Maybe I’m wrong though.



    So, I’m confused. Are you guys able to reproduce the issue now?

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