I am looking to deploy NoMachine dockerized in a server that does not have Server GUI, in the spirit of avoiding these “cons” https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI but then I’d like to run GUI apps, also Dockerized on this server and access them remotely.
The first part of this tutorial https://www.nomachine.com/DT10O00161 sets up NoMachine in a Docker container.
The second part shows how to “Run a Dockerized Application in a NoMachine Custom Session”.
There are a few things that am failing to figure out on my own.
1. Can this Docker based deployment allow use of NoMachine even on a server without GUI things installed? (no X Server, etc)
Trying to compare this deployment approach to x11docker: see https://github.com/mviereck/x11docker and https://dev.to/brickpop/my-dream-come-true-launching-gui-docker-sessions-with-dx11-in-seconds-1a53
2. Not sure what the second part of the tutorial has to do with the first part about Dockerized NoMachine. It mentions “A NoMachine server, e.g. NoMachine Workstation, is installed on the same host, but not in the Docker container.”
3. In context of both previous questions, am wondering, would it work to use docker-compose to make such GUI apps become accessible remotely through the Dockerized NoMachine ?
This is actually how I was hoping the second part of the tutorial linked about would go.
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance for covering my blind spots.