Client screen not refresh on mint 22.1

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Client screen not refresh on mint 22.1

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  • #52287

    I have two PC with Linux Mint. One has “Mint 22.1 Cinnamon” the other “Mint 21.3 Cinnamon”.

    When I operate from 21.3 on 22.1 I see what I do and the screen 21.3 reflect the 22.1 screen. When I operate from 22.1 on 21.3 I don’t see any change on screen 22.1 bat command are executed on 21.3.

    Both PC have the last version of NoMachine 8.16.1

    Why that?



    This has been reported a couple of times but we have never been able to reproduce it. It could be that your xorg is crashing. You should send us the full logs (debug enabled) as per the instructions here:

    Send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Please use the title of this topic as the subject of your email. Thanks!


    Forgot to ask, please also tell us if either of your Linux systems are running in a VM.

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