Configuration resetting after reboot

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Configuration resetting after reboot

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Tor.
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  • #50399

    I have changed my player configuration file location to a network drive. Every time I restart the PC, the location defaults back to C:users\username\.nx. I have checked the config files both locally and on the network drive before restart and they point to the correct new location until I reboot. I can close everything, modify the config files, restart the PC and the location is replaced again to the default. Same thing happens on multiple machines so I’m assuming there is something I am missing somewhere.


    Hi. You should be sure that the location is accessible when the client is launched, in the contrary case the default location will be restored.


    Are you referring to the server client or the player client? I am able to access the location before I open the player client. Does the server client pull the player file location when it starts?


    Some questions:
    1. What do you mean with “server client” and “player client”?
    2. Where are you changing the default path for logs, on client, on server, or both?
    3. What is the product you’re using on client and on server?
    4. How do you launch the client?


    I have changed the default paths in player settings>folders>player settings path. I am changing it on my local machine to pull from the shared location. the nomachine device server service is set to launch at startup. I open the “player” from the desktop.

    I am changing the path for the Client only, which I’m assuming is me since I’m connecting to other PC’s.

    I have renamed the broadcasted PC’s under my machines tab to represent their function. I’m trying to be able to share those name changes with another computer without transferring the player settings every time I make a change. I have not added these connections because they do not have a static IP so I want it to pull from the broadcasted information. When I restart and changed the player settings file path to my shared location, it pulls up my changes with no problems. Only when I restart does it go back.


    Do you need that the client machine runs also the server? If you do not, please try to shutdown and disable the server (Quit NoMachine service from the tray menu, choose to not start it again) and verify if the configuration is correctly moved.

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.