Thank you for contacting us with this problem.
Unfortunately we can not determine where the problem is. To help us find it, we need more
information. Please follow this steps:
1. Shut down the NoMachine by running:
# /etc/NX/nxserver –shutdown
2. Ascertain there is no leftover NoMachine processes by running:
# ps -ef | grep nx
If not sure, please send us the list of processes.
3. Please gather the result of commands:
# ls -l /usr/NX/etc
# ls -la /usr/NX/var/db/running
4. Start the NoMachine by running:
# /etc/NX/nxserver –startup
5. If the problem repeats please attach to the nxserver –daemon process with strace program.
You can get the pid of valid process by running:
# ps -ef | grep nxserver | grep daemon
Please attach the results of this commands here.