CTRL ALT combination not forwarded to Ubuntu machine – Intellij IDEA

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / CTRL ALT combination not forwarded to Ubuntu machine – Intellij IDEA

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  • #52183

    I’m using NoMachine from Windows 11 to connect to Ubuntu 20.04 machine running IntelliJ Idea.
    Some shortcut are forwarded to Idea (like ctrl + alt + f) but others no (like ctrl + alt + h or ctrl + alt + v).

    I disabled all NoMachine shortcut to be sure nothing is conflicting.


    Can you first tell us what NoMachine product and version you are using on the server and client sides?

    Are those shortcuts, which are not working to how you expect, being intercepted on the Windows client?
    Something you could check is whether the misbehaving keys are being received by the server when they’re pressed on the client. You can do with an onscreen keyboard or with xev. Can you show us the output?

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