NoMachine version(s) 8.1.2 (free) both on client and server
Server: Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.1 LTS
Client MacOS 12.6.1
Server display manager : /usr/sbin/gdm3
Both server and client are on same network, and both in the same active directory domain
A domain user admin-xyz has already logged into the Linux system – so his home directory is loaded and he was able to access the system from the console.
However, when trying to connect using NoMachine with username: domain\admin-xyz and domain password, Authentication fails each time.
In nxerror.log file :
5631 5631 14:45:56 070 nxexecPAMCheckCredentials: ERROR! Account validation failed.
5631 5631 14:45:56 070 nxexecPAMCheckCredentials: Error code ‘6’, ‘Permission denied’.
Info: Connection from port 56469 closed on Wed Oct 26 14:45:56 2022.
Info: Handler with pid 5247 terminated on Wed Oct 26 14:45:56 2022.
Info: Handler started with pid 5692 on Wed Oct 26 14:45:56 2022.
Info: Handling connection from port 56473 on Wed Oct 26 14:45:56 2022.
Is there a detailed guide on how to enable AD users ?
I noticed others requesting similar question, but the suggestions there did not work for me and I even ended up with an unstable machine that required re-installing