Error installing USB Devices. Error code 183

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Error installing USB Devices. Error code 183

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  • #15269

    I’ve been having issues installing NoMachine USB Drivers during the installation on Windows 10, which continues, but refuses to install USB Host drivers and giving an error code of 183. I can post logs or specs if needed, as I don’t know what would be needed here. I have tested this on multiple other Windows  version, ranging from XP to 10, and they all work, except for my main PC.


    We are currently investigating this. So far we’ve not been able to reproduce it.

    It is most like due to  an incorrect installation/uninstallation of a previous version of nxusbf.sys driver.

    Have you tried removing NoMachine, restarting PC and installing it again?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.