Error is 108: Connection reset by peer

Forum / NoMachine for Windows / Error is 108: Connection reset by peer

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  • #46083


    I try to connect to two different remote desktops and get two different error messages

    Connection  1 Error:

    Could not connect to the server.

Error is 108: Connection reset by peer

    Connection 2 Error:

    A connection timeout has occurred while trying to connect to ‘’ on port ‘xxyy’. The issue could either be caused by a networking problem, by a firewall or NAT blocking incoming traffic or by a wrong server address. Please verify your configuration and try again.

    I have no idea what to do and what produced this error. Yesterday I could still connect. I have updated NoMachine to see if the problem persists and it does.

    I have attached the session log files of both.

    Can you tell me what to do?


    Thanks Vera



    I noticed the domain you are connecting to. If you are not the administrator of the computer you are connecting to, are you able to contact the administrator of the organization’s NoMachine server? Something must have changed at the network or configuration level of the NoMachine server you are connecting to. If you are the owner of the server machine and can access it, send us the server logs via to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? You server side logs by following the instructions in

    Please also see this article here:

    How to connect over the internet to NoMachine behind a NAT router


    Thank you for the links, the problem resolved itself from the server side now.

    Cheers Vera

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