Error is 111: Connection refused

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Error is 111: Connection refused

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  • #3071

    Installed NoMachine client in my ubuntu machine

    And I installed same NoMachine client into another machine when I am trying to connect

    I get the following error.

    Could not connect to the server.

    Error is 111: Connection refused

    I am newbie to NoMachine. I have no idea to fix this

    Thanks in advance


    Can you ssh to the ubuntu machine? What protocol did you configure the nxclient to use — NX or SSH?


    sorry for the late reply

    when i tried NX i am getting the

    “Error is 111: Connection refused”

    if i go with ssh then i am getting
    “The NoMachine service is not available”


    Can you specify the NoMachine version you are using?

    Are you able to connect from a client running in the same machine where you were trying to connect to, by creating a connection to localhost?

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Closed because the user did not provide further feedback. Please notify us if you confirm that it is resolved or open a new topic if you have the same problem.